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Japanese meal

Jul 2024

そごう(銅鑼湾) 感謝ウィーク - 福永和牛とHINEMOS発売

SOGO HK CWB Thankful Weeks - Introduction of Fukunaga Wagyu beef & HINEMOS sake

Jun 2024

世界紀行ピーチチューハイ - 香港セブンイレブンにて発売中

世界紀行 – Chu-Hi [Peach Flavor Beverage] – First launch in 7-Eleven Hong Kong

Jun 2024

サマーパレス (Island Shangri-La Hong Kong) - 福永和牛を搭載

Summer Palace (Island Shangri-La Hong Kong) - On-board of Fukunaga Wagyu beef

May 2024


Japanese Food Sales Events at 3 PARKnSHOP supermarkets

May 2024

なだ万 (Island Shangri-La Hong Kong) - 福永和牛を新搭載

Nadaman (Island Shangri-La Hong Kong) - Grand launch of Fukunaga Wagyu beef


​ "Itadakimasu" "Gochiso-samadeshita"


These are Japanese phrases to appreciate foods before and after enjoying foods. It is no doubt that anyone who uses or hears these Japanese phrases are always happy. Japanese “Shoku” (foods) culture makes people happy.

Lovely Japanese "Shoku"
to be a part of everyone, everyday, everywhere

Food Luck think of Japanese“shoku” along with producers and deliver the value of fabulous Japanese foods to the world aright.

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